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Make Yourself Comfortable

We'll I'm not unpacked yet, but I'm in. Welcome to my new home! I'm just finding my way around the place -- so many new pages, so many new categories -- and just getting used to what to click and what to check. After more than two years of blogging -- how can time go so fast? -- being in my new home feels a little like moving from a studio to a chateau.
I hope you'll like it here and that you'll poke around in all the "rooms". At last, all my posts are organized and the recipes even have sub-categories. If only my real-life recipe files were as neat!
And, I'm finally getting around to writing a monthly newsletter. I hope you'll sign up for it. Look to your left -- the sign-up for the newsletter and my RSS feed are right there.
So, put up a pot of tea and grab a slice of cake. (The cake in the picture is my French Yogurt